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Your Daily Space News...

Astro And Beyond is a personal website created to get fans their daily space news. Stuff from the moon phases, weather, star placements, and interesting news!

Home Page: Welcome
Above Earth

What's Happening On A&B???

Lot's of things will happen on this website. Anything about space you need, it's on here!

Home Page: News & Updates

Don't Expect Pictures For Quite A While!

Jan. 9th, 2019

Nasa's Hubble telescope has run into a few problems! Apparently a hardware problem occurred just yesterday when the inside camera completely broke down. Nasa states that the camera has, "redundant electronics that can be used for backups to get it running again soon." I will notify you guys when this gets running again. Hopefully they don't run 

into any other malfunctions in the meantime!



Photo: Belongs to NASA

Information: NASA, Astro&Beyond





Can’t Miss These Things!

Home Page: Upcoming Events
Audiovisual Conference

Meteor Shower Guide To 2019!

July 20, 2025

A Bit About Us

Astro&Beyond is a newly started website that tells you all about space. It can give you interesting facts about all you need to know. I answer any space questions given in a matter of at least 2 days. I also have a blog about moon phases, and stuff I see outside that maybe you can find. Literally, all your astronomy needs are in one place, Astro&Beyond.

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